Published on February 22, 2022 by Old Man Murphy

Betrayal The House On The Hill is a tabl top game published by Avalon Hill Games. It strays from the normal static board game dynamic as it’s board is simple a series of room tiles that are randomly put together as the heroes explore the house. You are free to explore the ground floor, the upper floor, the roof (in the Widow’s Walk expansion), but you have to stumble upon the basement then work your way back to the ground floor.

There are an infinite number of possibilities that the house can be, but sooner or later, one of your friends will betray you. A certain game mechanic, The Haunt will eventually start, and one of your party will turn against the rest. You will then need to band together to resolve the situation you are in or find a way to escape the house. While the traitor has other nefarious plans. Sometimes, it’s as simple as to kill everyone in the house, others, it’s to take over the world. One thing’s for certain, they must be stopped.

One of the most replayable games I have ever played in my life. I’ve had this game for years now, and I have YET to play the same scanrio twice. The original base game comes with 50 Different Haunts, and the expansion comes with 50 more. It’s like living through a B-Rated Horror Movie and it’s all sorts of fun.

It suits 3-6 Players, lasts about 60 minutes and it’s for kids 12 and up, but my daughter, who’s 7 can grasp the concept of the game, so that age recommendation is a little generous.

In stores, Betrayal At The House On The Hill retails for about $41.99

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