Published on January 2, 2025 by Old Man Murphy


A huge celebration as we also celebrate the 5th year for Murphday! Tonight Beege, Sarge, Splackjack and I ventured into the Forgotten Realms and played BALDUR’S GATE III.

I wish I would have started playing this game earlier because HOLY FUCK is it fun, and even better with friends. We prepped the audience by creating our characters beforehand, so we could get right into all of the gameplay.

Sarge is Entoni Rezkiy, a Blue Dragonborn Paladin who likes hitting things REALLY hard…. Giggity.
Splackjack is Vigilant Moon, a Silver Dragonborn Cleric whose dedication to the moon is so strong it scorches all who turn away from the light.
Beege is Grondo, a Half-Orcc Barbarian who is not the brightest being, but one that makes others tremble for no good reason.
and I am Malus Nightloch, a Tiefling Rogue/Soldier. A chaos demon who revels in the wake he leaves, but still has a good heart even if his methods are quite questionable.

In this session, we barely skimmed the surface of the game, but I learned the basics of the controls. I loved that we still needed to perform dice rolls for skill checks. It really brought the whole table top experience full circle. And we have decided that even though we didn’t get far in the game within the four hours we played, we will be continuing streaming this game until we finish the story. So, please stay tuned to this entry as I add future sessions to the above playlist.

My sincerest apologies to everyone who tuned in and my microphone was blowing out your eardrums. I didn’t realize the cord to my microphone was loose until I watched a bit of the playback. I have fixed the issue, so it should not happen again. If it does – please let me know in chat, and I will look into it immediately!

If you are interested in purchasing BALDUR’S GATE III you can find it HERE on Steam for $59.99

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