It’s been a while since anything was posted to this website, so I thought I should take care of that by adding a new feature to the site. Since Summer of 2020, I have been focusing most of my time and effort into streaming and TikTok. If you haven’t heard of TikTok, let me clue you in.
TIkTok is the latest major social media platform that serves videos to it’s viewers in a swipable interface. You can interact with these videos by liking or commenting. Creators have several options on what type of content to post. They have the option of 15 second, 60 second or 3 minute videos they can post and even livestream straight from their smart phone. At the time of this article, I have acquired about 245 thousand follwers since I started, and am looking to expend that following as best as I can.
My content, is quite different from what I used to provide on YouTube. Gone are the days of creepypasta and narration. Now, I concentrate on current event and politics – making sure accurate information is delivered to my viewers. I also have a penchant for calling out bullshit and holding others accountable for their less than sociable actions. It is, after all, social media, and since my days of creepypasta, I know how harsh social media can get.
But what I have found on TikTok is a much welcomed change-of-pace. I am not the eldest surrounded by teenagers and twenty-somethings all sabotaging each other to climb the popularity ladder. Now, I’m surrounded with peers. People I look forward to collaborating with on a daily basis. People who are not perfect, nor do they claim to be, but flawed, real and genuine. People who want to better themselves and world around them. People who don’t take themselves too seriously, but what they do seriously. People who are mature in all the right places, but still know how to laugh at a well-timed fart joke.
That is not to say that I haven’t created many lasting friendships from creepypasta, but these new friends are of a different breed. It’s not about fame and fortune and notoriety, it’s about making the world a better place than we found it.
So, with that in mind, I have added a new department to the website: WHP TIKTOK, you can find the link under the Departments dropdown at the top of the site, and the page will hole the last 32 of the TikToks I have posted on my account. At the bottom, you will find a link to View More on TikTok. That is your invitation to follow me on the wildly popular social media platform.

Murphy1976 is the Founder of WellHey Productions. Although, he is considered by some to be one of the most creative creepypasta narrators, he doesn’t tend to classify himself as strictly creepypasta. As the eldest in the Creepy Pasta Network, Murphy is looked upon as a faux-father figure to some, and a grumpy old man to others. Murphy currently resides in Wisconsin, USA.