Recently, I was named one of the new Global Moderators of the CreepyPasta Readers Unlimited Forum. And though, I haven’t bee able to do much, yet. The other new moderator, MorbidButterfly are looking to clean house. We’ve noticed that there are some members who rarely, or never contribute, which brings me to the question of the day:
Why join a forum is you’re not going to use it in it’s core essence?
Webster’s Dictionary defines a forum as:
A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
The case was brought to mind that, maybe the silent majority just want to listen. That’s not a forum! That’s a lecture! And Creepypasta Theory 458 is down the hall. Now, I’ve talked about this matter in the afore mentioned forum in depth, and I’ll continue to defend my opinion until I’m blue in the face. And there are others in the same breath that would spend a lifetime opposing my views at the top of their lungs, now THAT’S a forum. Ideas are being discussed. Topics being upended and examined. Minds melding, connections being made, thoughts formulating and drugs swept under the carpet.
A silent forum is not a forum, it is a morgue, and if we continue to grow in number, but not converse, then the zombie apocalypse is already upon us. The dead weight that holds the brain back is the ultimate disease. Mediocrity is our enemy and we must gather up all of our strength to fight that horrid notion. It is becoming more and more prevalent each and every day, and it saddens me that someone can defend mediocrity and sloth.
You make my unborn children sad. John Zoidberg’s meme said it best, “Your thoughts are bad, and you should feel bad!”.
Louis C.K. said it best:
Louis C.K. | Comedian
Well, yeah, ’cause now we live in, in an amazing, amazing world and it’s wasted on the, on the crappiest generation of just spoiled idiots that don’t care because, this is what people are like now. They got their phone and they’re like eeaagh, it won’t, give it a second! Give it, it’s going to space, would ya give it a second to get back from space, it’s the speed of light, it’s true, it’s true. (yeah) I was on a, I was on an airplane and there was internet, high speed internet on the airplane (yes) that’s the newest thing that I know exists. And I’m sitting on the plane and they go open up your laptop and you can go on the internet and it’s fast and I’m watching YouTube clips it’s amazing. I’m in an airplane and then it breaks down and they apologize the internet is not working and the guy next to me goes “This is bull****!” Like how quickly the world owes him something (yes) he knew existed only 10 seconds ago (right, right) and on planes ….Flying is the worst one because people come back from flights and they tell you their story and it’s like a horror story. It’s, they act like their flight was like a cattle car in the 40’s in Germany. (yeah) That’s how bad they make it sound (right). They’re like it was the worst day of my life. First of all we didn’t board for 20 minutes (right) and then we get on the plane and they made us sit there on the runway for 40 minutes. We had to sit there. Oh really, what happened next? Did you fly through the air incredibly like a bird? Did you partake in the miracle of human flight, you non-contributing zero? Wow, you’re flying! It’s amazing! Everybody on every plane should just constantly be going, oh my God, wow (yes) you’re flying, you’re, you’re sitting in a chair in the sky (yes, yeah, yeah) but it doesn’t go back a lot. And it smells really. You know, here’s the thing. People like they say there’s delays on flights (yeah) delays really New York to California in 5 hours. That used to take 30 years to do that and a bunch of you would die on the way there and have a baby. You’d be with a whole different group of people by the time you got there. Now you watch a movie you take a dump and you’re home.
Now that I got that off my chest, I did want to share one FANTASTIC thing with you folks. A cohort from the CPRU Forums, OmegaRed1982, posts this gif and said it was me.

Murphy1976 is Awesome!
Murphy1976 is the Founder of WellHey Productions. Although, he is considered by some to be one of the most creative creepypasta narrators, he doesn’t tend to classify himself as strictly creepypasta. As the eldest in the Creepy Pasta Network, Murphy is looked upon as a faux-father figure to some, and a grumpy old man to others. Murphy currently resides in Wisconsin, USA.