
Greg Benson - Creator of Mediocre Films

Greg Benson – Creator of Mediocre Films

Thanks for the kind note. Normally I just don’t have time to answer, this is a common request. But I watched Clonix 5000 and it was so cool I had to watch a few more. Your style is a lot of fun. Love your style & VFX.

I recently sent an email to Greg Benson, creator of MediocreFilms, asking for some tips and tricks about how to be successful on YouTube, and if he could give me any pointers on making some of my films better.Well it took a few days, but he finally responded and BOY HOWDY, I couldn’t be any happier with his response. Not only was he very gracious at explaining that normally doesn’t respond to many emails, but he also gave huge kudos to my latest video The Clonix 5000. He liked it so much that he had to watch some more WellHey crazy goodness!

After listing off some very valuable information pertaining to comedic timing and how to capture your YouTube audience quicker and off-guard, he then informed me that he is now a subscriber to WellHey’s YouTube Channel!

Oh Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay!

So, to return the favor (even though I’m a small fry compared to most), I have added Greg to list of links on the sidebar and added a few links below to Greg’s various channels on YouTube.

Thanks again Greg for your kind words.

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