WHP Has Been Hacked!

First off, what does this mean?

Not much. Some of the posts that were on this site were compromised, so I was forced to delete them. So far it was only 3 posts, but after this latest time that I was informed that my site had been hacked, I took active steps to beef up my site’s security, and so far, so good.

Who is the hacker?

I have no idea, BUT I do know a few things. I know their IP Address because it’s the same IP address EVERYTIME. And I know that they are in Houston, TX – since I can Google that shit. The bad news is, if I want my webhost to do anything about it, it would cost me money:

I was under the impression that it would be part of their service, y’know – peace of mind for their customers… guess not.

It was just all kinda weird, y’know… being the target of a cyber attack. At first, I thought it was a specified attack. That, someone, was out to get me personally, because of the post that was hit first. But after the most recent attack, I can see, it’s just some guy in Texas, playing with his toys, and himself most likely.

What does this mean for wellhey.com

Nothing. We continue on. We clean up the broken window, get a new one installed, and move forward. I am looking into pricing for a dedicated WordPress Server, and I know there have been a LOT of loading issues lately and I sincerely apologize for that. What my webhost has told me is that I am nearing critical mass on bandwidth, and the only solution is to upgrade to a WordPress Server – well of course, mo money, mo money mo money!

Until then, please pardon the dust.

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