A Letter to WHP about Rape

I recently received a letter from a fan of WHP, and after reading it, I simply could not just let it alone. I am going to post this email AS IS, on this page, but I will be blocking out the name to protect the person who sent me this. I will be interjecting my comments within. Let it be known, this was a frustrating, disappointing and unpleasant read:

From: ▩▩▩▩▩▩ ▩▩▩▩▩
Subject: Uncomfortable, but necissary

Not to be a grammar nazi, but when I see this as the subject line, you can be pretty sure I’m not going to take much seriously *necessary. Please, if you want to send me comments to be taken seriously, then SERIOUSLY consider using spell check, it will take 2 minutes out of your time and will go a long way in the essence of professionalism.

In one of the Mad Murphy video’s on You-Tube, you mentioned “Teaching not to get raped” V.S. “Teaching not to rape”, though I understand the idea behind teaching not to rape as being the preferred option, I don’t honestly believe that it would be successful alone.

You have my full attention and you are treading on VERY thin ice.

I myself have never considered rape to be good, acceptable, or anything less than one of the most despicable acts that one individual can commit against another. Any form of forcing something on someone against that person’s will seems repugnant, and immensely so when in such a personal and invasive way. I can not speak for all individuals, and can not say if any in our current society would find such an appalling act acceptable, though it seems unlikely to me.

The point that I’m getting to, isn’t that we shouldn’t discourage rape, or even teach not to rape; but that while teaching people not to rape, we should also teach them how not to get raped for those who do not; will not; don’t care about; etc. following the law, and or who have no regard for other people or for the possible repercussions.

It seems to me that the only way that the, “Teach not to rape,” policy would never work by it’s self outside of an ideal world; and that to leave someone without the knowledge or capability of how to defend his/herself just in case they do cross paths with one of these power-junky monsters is a great exercise in poor judgement.

And I’ve lost it, full rage mode! Basically what you are saying is that teaching people NOT TO RAPE isn’t a good idea at all, that people will STILL rape even though they have been taught NOT TO RAPE. You must have little to no faith in the human race to think that if we simply begin to teach kids at an early age that IF YOU FORCE YOURSELF UPON EACH OTHER, THEN YOU ARE WRONG, that they won’t get it. That we have to have a back up plan, because y’know everyone’s an asshole. At this point of the letter I am trying my best not to punch the monitor, but I do understand the need for self defense, because people think it is OK to rob, cheat, steal, bully, injure and harm others.

But if we teach people EARLY ON, that you shouldn’t do that stuff, maybe start treating people with violent tendencies and mental illness that just don’t get it that YOU CAN’T FUCK SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T WANT TO BE FUCKED, that this isn’t a good enough solution. NO, we just can’t have simplicity and a solid action to prevent rape by hitting it at the GOD-DAMNED SOURCE. I read this, and I see a little boy who has severe trust and faith issues. An extreme advocate for second amendment rights, where the right to own a handgun just isn’t enough… NO, I need my AK-47 to shoot at predators because my bullets just don’t travel fast enough. The author’s inability to comprehend that if you cut the head off a snake, it may squirm for a few moments longer, but eventually IT WILL DIE!. Please, continue…

The situation seems comparable too a parent saying that people should teach their dog not too mall children rather than teaching their child how not to get attacked by dogs. Yes, people should teach their dog not to bite or mall people, but it’s still wise too educate the child to be weary of strange dogs and how too avoid possible danger. Even if everyone in some hypothetical neighborhood teaches their dogs not too harm people, or even takes them inside often and away from children; there’s still the possibility of a rabid stray finding it’s way into the neighborhood, and teaching the difference between teaching the children ways of avoiding such dangers, and not teaching them, could mean the difference between a child coming home safely, or injured, or worse.


Again, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t teach people not to rape, but that doing so in substitution to teaching people how not to get raped, rather than teaching the two together, this could yield immensely harmful results. With the world being as unpredictable as it can be I see it best to prepare people for as many possible eventualities as can and do regularly come about.

Some might argue that this is unreasonable and that “We can’t prepare for everything.” and though it’s true that perhaps we can’t prepare for every crazy thought that enters our heads like alien abduction, or viral pandemic resulting in undead flesh eaters, or supernatural occurrences; rape happens regularly enough that it only makes sense to teach avoidance and defense against the situation as well as discouraging it. Will this stop rape? Doubtful. but it might greatly reduce it, either by helping to show our disapproval toward such things, or at he very least help the victims to come to us so that we might catch the worthlessness that harmed him or her and prevent them from claiming future victims.

Did you seriously bring an Alien Invasion and the Zombie Apocalypse into this argument? There is absolutely ZERO chance of me taking any more of this asinine letter of ignorance seriously! I mean the misspelling of “necessary” was bad enough, but this… this is just childish and immature.

I also think we should emphasize the importance of reporting sexual assault(along with any other form of assault or abuse); both those directed at you and others. I can’t say that I know what it’s like, but those who have confided such things in me told me of how afraid they were and how they thought that no one would believe them, or no one would care, or etc. They should be encouraged to report such things as soon as they feel safe to do so, preferably immediately, and told who they should report it to.

I apologize if I appear to have attempted an emotional appeal toward the end, such was not my intention, and though what you said was a side comment and not the main point of the video, I simply felt the need too address the comment and both share my position as well as ask yours.
Do you agree with me, or partially, or do you simply believe that teaching people not to rape alone will suffice; and why, if so?
Please respond.

I couldn’t disagree with this mindless drivel more. I will hold firm, until the day that I die, that if you fix the source of a problem, then the rest will follow suit. But unfortunately, individuals with the mentality that “Teach Not to Get Raped!” is more important that “DON’T RAPE!” will always exist. My ultimate solution, abolish most religions and many of these sexual crimes will simply disappear. why? Well, it’s been engrained into our heads that sex is wrong, sex is wrong, sex is wrong. But the human body will ALWAYS negate that, because of it’s instinctual nature to procreate, and do things that feel good to it. Once we stamp out the stigma that sex is a very naughty thing, and you should feel bad if you have any sexual thoughts, then it will quench the fire that one has to have sex all the fuckin’ time. It’s kinda like my stance on legalizing all drugs… ALL DRUGS. You remove the taboo and the mystique surrounding them, and suddenly, it’s not a big deal anymore.

Look at it this way, say you liked to do something when you were a kid, because it was against the rules. Then you found out that mom and dad were cool with it. It kinda lost its fun-factor, didn’t it.

YES, RAPE IS BAD! RAPE IS HORRIBLE! But I honestly believe that if you stamp out the naughty urge that human’s aren’t suppose to talk about or have of think about sex, some of these urges will probably go away. You remove every stigma, whether it be political or religious that VAGINAS AND PENISES ARE NOT NATURAL, and all that bullshit, and you’ve pretty much quenched the fire completely.

If you teach kids at an early age, boys have a penis, girls have a vagina, and they have sex like this, and there’s nothing wrong with masturbation or opposite gender sex or same gender sex, and that you should never ever force yourself upon someone, because you wouldn’t want anyone to do that to you, and you let that sink it (because 90% of kids are smart), then there will never EVER be another sexual crime again.

But then again, I may be overly optimistic, and this is real life, and we can’t have simple logic in when dealing with human beings. It might go against someone’s agenda!

Yours truly,

P.S. Big fan of the narrations and the channel, and I hope that’s not inappropriate to add to a letter of this subject matter.

Well, at least is ended on a high note.

My personal opinion, the author of this letter has a lot of growing up to do. There is always a solution to every problem. Now whether that solution will actually be carried out remains to be seen. But the The whole “The best offense is a good defense” thought process is only a good idea for football. We need to be proactive. There is ABSOLUTELY no hope for this generation now, we are completely fucked. But what we can do, is make the world better for the next generation. NO SOLUTION is ever a quick fix, life is not fast food and you cannot have it your way. We were screwed over by the previous generation, and them the generation before than, and so on and so on. We can only stop the cycle and hope that our efforts improve the quality of life for tomorrow.

But there’s the key, we have to put in the effort. We just can’t teach someone rape-survival tactics and hope for the best. Why not just put them on the front line with a slingshot and a handful of rocks? I was extremely disappointed when I read this letter to find out that “teach them not to get raped” was an acceptable solution, even with the younger generation. And I find that mind-numbingly sad, that even though we THINK we’ve evolved, we really haven’t. People are still wanting their pizzas in 30 minutes of less. The microwave is too slow. The internet is too slow, and if an apple tree doesn’t produce fruit within five minutes, chop that sunuvabitch down, you never likes apples in the first place.

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